Art Shows

Exhibitions & One Day Sales

We hold one main exhibition and two one day sales annually where members can exhibit their work and members of the public can buy paintings, drawings, sculpture and craft work. Whilst the annual exhibitions are well supported by the local community, every year we have many people returning from much further afield. The one day sales are usually held in the Spring and late Autumn.

Application forms for the exhibition and one day sales are restricted to Club Members, and there are certain constraints on the number, type and size of exhibits, as well as submission/collection times. Please read the application forms carefully. These can be obtained from the Secretary about a month before and will be e-mailed to all members in advance.  Forms and guidance are also available in the Members’ area.

The details of upcoming shows are shown below.

Date Event Time Location
Saturday 19th April One Day Sale 10am - 4pm Victoria Halls, Helensburgh
Saturday 2nd to
Monday 4th August
Annual Exhibition 9am - 5pm Victoria Halls, Helensburgh
Saturday 15th November One Day Sale 10am - 4pm Victoria Halls, Helensburgh

Our exhibitions and sales sponsor is BTO Solicitors LLP.

We also enjoy support in kind from Ardardan Estates, The Framing Workshop, and Minuteman Press.